User Guide

Table Of Contents
<Archive TX Document>
In addition to the destination specied when the fax is sent, you can specify whether fax
ed documents are
also sent to a preset storage address for archiving.
Saving a Copy of a Sent Original(P. 236)
<Archive TX Document>
chive Address>
<Conrm Enter
ed Fax Number>
Select whether to display the details of an entered coded dial number when it is selected as a destination.
Conrming the Enter
ed Fax Number(P. 409)
<Allow Fax Driver TX>
Enable or disable PC faxing (sending faxes from a computer). Restricting Fax Sending from a
Computer(P. 409)
<Restrict Sequential Broadcast>
Select whether to prohibit sequential broadcasting, a feature that sends faxes to multiple destinations in
succession. Restricting Sequential Broadcasts(P. 409)
<TX Terminal ID>
Specify settings for adding the sender information, including the fax number and the name of the machine, to
the fax header. The r
ecipient can check who sent the fax by looking at the added information.
<Add TX Terminal ID>
<Print Position>
<Inside Image Ar
<Outside Image Area>
<Mark Number As>
<Menu> <Function Settings> <Send> <Fax Settings> <TX Terminal ID> Select <On> in
<Add TX T
erminal ID>
Specify the settings <Apply>
Setting Menu List