User Manual

Other Shooting Modes
P Mode
Tv, Av, M, and C Mode
Playback Mode
Wireless Features
Setting Menu
Before Use
Basic Guide
Advanced Guide
Camera Basics
Auto Mode /
Hybrid Auto Mode
For details on the relationship between the number of recording
pixels and the number of shots that will t on a card, see
“Recording” (
The le extension for JPEG images is .JPG, and the extension for
RAW images is .CR2.
Using the Menu
z Press the [ ] button, choose
[Image quality] on the [ 1] tab, and then
press the [ ] button (
z To capture in RAW format at the same
time, choose [
] under [RAW]. Note that
only JPEG images are captured when [−]
is selected.
z In [JPEG], choose the number of pixels
and compression ratio. Note that only
RAW images are captured when [−] is
z When nished, press the [
] button to
return to the menu screen.
[RAW] and [JPEG] cannot both be set to [−].
Capturing in RAW Format
The camera can capture images in JPEG and RAW format.
Processed in the camera for optimal image quality
and compressed to reduce le size. However, the
compression process is irreversible, and images
cannot be restored to their original, unprocessed
state. Image processing may also cause some loss
of image quality.
“Raw” (unprocessed) data, recorded with essentially
no loss of image quality from the camera’s image
processing. The data cannot be used in this state
for viewing on a computer or printing. You must rst
process it on this camera (
124) or use the Digital
Photo Professional application (
175) to convert
images to ordinary JPEG or TIFF les. Images can
be adjusted with minimal loss of image quality.
z Press the [
] button, and then choose
[ ] in the menu (
z To capture in RAW format only, choose
the [
] option.
z To capture images in both JPEG and
RAW format simultaneously, choose the
JPEG image quality, and then press the
] button. A [ ] mark is displayed
next to [RAW]. To undo this setting, follow
the same steps and remove the [ ] mark
next to [RAW].
When transferring RAW images (or RAW and JPEG images
recorded together) to a computer, always use the dedicated
software (
Digital zoom (
39) is not available when capturing images in
RAW format.