User`s guide

Managing the Department IDs and User IDs
Specifying Department ID and User Management
Managing the Department IDs and User IDs
You can specify the Department ID Management and User Management settings
on the Remote UI.
Be sure to disable User Management when the optional Copy Card Reader-F1 is
attached to the machine.
Specifying the Department ID Management and User Management settings are
available only when the Remote UI is in the System Manager Mode.
Enabling Department ID Management and User
You can enable either or both the Department ID management and User
Management, depending on your needs.
Be sure to confirm the System Manager ID and System Password are properly set to
log in to the Remote UI in the System Manager Mode before enabling Department ID
Management. (See “To specify the System Manager ID and System Password:,” on
p. 4-9.)
Before enabling Department ID/User Management, register at least one Department
ID/User ID beforehand. (See “Managing the Department IDs,” on p. 3-6 and
“Managing the User IDs,” on p. 3-10.)
First register a User ID as the System Manager, and then register other User IDs as
the End Users before enabling User Management. (See “To register a new User ID:,
on p. 3-10.)
Click [Add.Func.] [Department ID/User Management] in the
[Add.Func.] menu.
The list of the Department IDs switches to the list of the User IDs by clicking [Change
List View]. The [Change List View] button appears when both Department ID
Management and User Management are enabled and at least one ID is registered for
each mode.