User Manual

Recording Audio
Options (
Default value)
Settings for each audio scene
•[ Custom Setting] is not available in mode. After setting [ Audio Scene] to [ Custom
Setting], if the camcorder is then set to mode, this setting will change to [ Standard].
Audio Recording Level (Built-in Microphone/MIC Terminal)
You can adjust the audio recording level of the built-in microphone or an external microphone
connected to the MIC terminal. You can display the audio level indicator while recording.
1 When setting the audio recording level of the built-in microphone, set [ Audio Scene]
to [ Custom Setting] (A 75).
2 Open the manual audio recording level adjustment screen.
[FUNC.] > [ä Mic Level] > [n] (manual)
The audio level indicator and current audio recording level will appear on the screen.
•Touch [m] (automatic) to return the camcorder to automatic audio recording levels.
[ Standard] To record most general situations. The camcorder records with standard settings.
[ Music] To vibrantly record music performances and singing indoors.
[ Speech] Best for recording human voices and dialog.
[ Forest and Birds] To record birds and scenes in forests. The camcorder clearly captures sound
as it spreads.
[ Noise Suppression] To record scenes while reducing noise from wind, passing vehicles and
similar ambient sound. Ideal for recording at the beach or in places with a lot of noise.
[ Custom Setting]
Allows you to adjust the audio settings to your liking. The settings that you can
adjust are the [ä Mic Level] setting in the FUNC. menu and the following settings in the p menu:
[Built-in Mic Wind Screen], [Built-in Mic Att.], [Built-in Mic Freq. Response] (audio equalizer), and [Built-
in Mic Directionality].
[ä Mic Level] [Built-in Mic Att.]
[Built-in Mic
Wind Screen]
[Built-in Mic
Freq. Response]
[Built-in Mic
[ Standard] [n] (manual): 70 [k Automatic] [H Auto (High)] [h Normal] [h Normal]
[ Music] [n] (manual): 70 [k Automatic] [L Auto (Low) ] [ê Boost
HF+LF Range]
[î Wide]
[ Speech] [n] (manual): 86 [k Automatic] [H Auto (High)] [é Boost MF
[í Monaural]
[ Forest and
[n] (manual): 80 [k Automatic] [H Auto (High)] [è Low Cut
[î Wide]
[ Noise
[n] (manual): 70 [k Automatic] [H Auto (High)] [è Low Cut
[í Monaural]
[ Custom
Selected by user
(A 76) (A 79) (A 78) (A 78) (A 77)
Operating modes: