Owner's Manual

Table Of Contents
This! communication! allowed! focusing! motors! to! be! optimally! positioned! within! each! individual! lens!
design,! which! supported! fast! auto! focus! systems.! ! The! aperture! control! was! also! electronic! which!
supported! auto-aperture! functionalities.! ! In! the ! ensuing ! decade s! these! co re! design! strategies!
empowered!a!progressive!imaging! evolution! that!w itn esse d! the! emergence!of!an! extraordinary!broad!
range!o f! zoo m ! a nd ! p rim e! le nse s!that!were !flanked! init ially !by!SLR!35mm!film!cameras!and!ultimately!the!
arrival!of!the!all-digital!DSLR!camera!in!the !early!21
In!1995 !th e !fir st!lens!with!built-in!image !st ab iliz at io n!s y ste m!became!possible!based!upon!that!electronic!
communication! (the! EF75-300mm! f/4-5.6! IS! USM).! ! The! lens-camera! movem ents! detected! within! the!
lens! itse lf! a re ! processed! and! control!signals! generated!that! actuate! correction! optics! within! the! lens.!!
That! large! diameter! moun t! an d! the! electronic! communication! continue! to! em power! new! features! in!
Figure& 1&&&&&&&Three$decades$of$ the$Canon$EOS$system$has$ seen$an$ impressive$evolution$ of$lenses$ and$
Today’s!world! production!community!! both!theatrical!motion!picture!and! episodic!television!! will!
utilize! all! manner! of! lens-came ra! combinations! to! achieve! their! creative! aspirations! and ! m ee t! their!
production! budgets.! ! Major! movies! have! been! produced! that! incorporated! DSLR’s! coupled! to ! digital!