Owner's Manual

Table Of Contents
The! new ! RF! le n se s ! represen t ! a! quite! radical! step! forward! in! le n s! design s ! that! anticipate ! the! future!
imaging !n e ed s !of!an!increasingly!sophisticated!end!user.!
A!significant!new !innovation! is!incorporated!into!the!design!of!these!lenses!!a!special!knurled!control!
ring,!which!in!the!initial!RF!lens!em b o d im e n ts !is!positioned!at!the!very!front!of!the!lens!!before!the!
focusing!control!ring,!as!shown!in!Figure!11.!!It!capit aliz es !on!the!aug mented!elec tro n ic !com municat io n !
between! lens!and!camera! that!is!central! to!the!new!lens! design.!!!The!purpose!of!the!ring!is! to!facilitate!
intuitive! an d ! flexib le ! acc es s! to ! ad jus tment! of! Ape rtu re ! valu e ! /! Shu t te r! spe e d ! /! ISO! and! Exposure!
Compensation.! !The! particular! function!selection! is!performed!in-camera!in !the!Custom!Function! m enu.!!
In!the!new!lenses!described!in!th is !pape r ,!as!the!ring!is!rotated!it!clicks!(different!number!of!clicks!per!
revolution! for! d ifferen t! RF! len se s )! which! serves! to! provide! a! sensory! cue! w h ile! the! ph oto g rap he r! is!
looking!throu gh !the!viewfinder.!! The! d irection!of! rotation! ca n! be!set!to!su it!user! p reference.!!!And,!users!
have!a!choice!of!whether!control!ring!rotation !actu a lly!cha n g es !exp o su re !only !wh e n !the!sh u tte r!bu tto n !
is!p re ss e d !half-way! (to! m inimize!risk!of! inadvertent!changes),!or! to !have!any!mo vem e nt!directly!impac t!
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
Figure&11!! Showing$the$new$Control$Ring$that$extends$operational$flexibilities$for$the$photographer!
A! new! microprocessor! within! the!lens! has! improved!processing! capability! together! with!lower! power!
consumption! and! high-speed! communication.!!The! increased! capacity! of! the! built-in ! memo ry ! allows!
more!data!to!be!stored,!enabling!highly!accurate!lens!control!an d!image!correction.!!This!is!especially!
importa n t!f or !th e !D igit a l!Le n s!Optimizer!fea ture !of!th e!RF! sy stem.!
The! new ! family! of! RF! lense s ! inco rp o ra te s ! an! important! new! feature! that! automatically! closes! the!
aperture!blades!one!or!two! steps!wider! than! the!sm allest!position!upon! power! close! down.! ! ! !This!helps!