Owner's Manual

Table Of Contents
1. 10!Lp/mm!Sagittal!of!the!RF50mm!F1.2!L!USM !len s!maintains!a!significantly!higher!MTF!across!
the!total!image!h eigh t!com p are d!to!b oth !EF!len ses !(and !esp ecially!co m pa red !to!the !EF5 0m m !
2. 10!Lp/mm!Meridional!exhibits!an!excellent!MTF!characteristic!compared!to!both!EF!lenses!!
3. 30!Lp/mm!Sagittal!exhibits!a!higher!and!more!controlled!MTF!across!the!total!image!height!than!
the!two!EF!lens es!!!
4. !30!Lp/mm!Meridional!curve!for!RF50mm!F1.2!L!USM!lens!also!shows!an!excellent!characteristic!
that!is!superior!to!that!o f!bo th!EF !lense s!
RF24-105mm! F4! L! IS! USM! is! a! medium-diameter! standard! zoom! lens! with! an ! F4.0! constant! aperture!
over! the! entire! 24-105mm! foc al! ran ge .!!It s! minimu m! apertu re ! is! F 2 2 .! ! ! T h e ! len s ! is! in t e n d ed ! f o r!
professional! photographers,! high-end! amateurs,! and! lo w -budget! moviemaking.! ! It! embodies ! an!
enhanced! image! stabilization! system,! high-speed! auto ! focus! fun ctionality,! and! the! innovative! new!
knurled!control!ring !fo r!fu n ct io na l!a ss ig n m e n t!o f!e xp o s u re !co n tro ls .!
! ! !!!!!!!!!
Figure&23! The$ new$RF24-105$F4$L$IS$USM$has$high$operational$functionality$and$impressive$ optical$
Even!with!the!built-in!im a ge !sta biliz a tio n !system!the!size! and !weight!have!been!minimized!to! allow !easy!
hand-held! shooting.!!Minimum! focusing! distance! is! 0.45m! (1.48! feet).!!!!The! lens! is! comprised! of!
eighteen! elements! in! fourteen! groups.! ! This! is! a! particularly! interesting! example! of! unusually! large!
diameter!rear!elements!capitalizing! on!the!short!flange!back!of!the!RF!system!—!with!this!combination!
contributing!to!the!high!optical!performance!of!the!image!projected!onto!a!large!Full!Frame!sensor.!!! !!