Owner's Manual

Table Of Contents
The! lens! has! the! new! control! ring! —! with! 54!clicks!per! revolution.! ! ! It! has! a! high! performing! optical!
image!sta biliz a tio n !system!with!shake-correction!allowing!h and -holding!at!shutter! speeds!up!to!5-Stops!
slower!than!would!norm ally!be!possible!!impre ss ive !fo r!a!lens!having!a!brightness!of!F1.8.!!!
In! two! key! area s! a! no ta b le! im provement! was!implemented! in!this!new! 35! mm! lens! comp are d ! to! the !
well-known! EF35 mm ! f/2! IS!USM !le n s.!!The !overall! le n g th !of!the !lens’s!optica l!path ! is !shorten e d!from!105!
mm! to! 80.5! mm! and! the!allimporta n t! o pe ra tio n a l! op tic a l! spe e d ! of! the! lens!is! now!F1.8.! ! Figure! 32!
shows!EF!35mm!f/2!IS!USM !o n !th e !le ft!c o m pared!to !th e !n ew!lens!on !t h e!r ight.!!!!
!!!!!!!!! !
Figure&32& !!!New! RF35mm$ F1.8$ MACRO$ IS$ STM$ len s $ (o n$ th e$ rig ht)$ having$ a$ large$ diameter$ rear$
element$helps$optimize$the$overall$image$p e rfo rmance$p ro jec te d $o n $to $th e $full$fram e$im a g e$sen so r$
A!comparative!inspection!of!these!two!lenses!quickly!reveals!a!quite!radical! ch an ge!to!the! o ve rall! o ptica l!
assembly.!!!Note!the!large!final!lens!element!of!the!RF35mm !F1.8!M ACRO!IS!STM!compared!to!that!of!
the! EF!lens.!!O f!special!interest!are!the!smaller! front!elemen ts! in!the! new! lens!—!which!still!achieves!the!
faster!F1.8!maximum !aperture!because!of!the!large!diameter!iris!that!is!positioned!un usually!near!the!
front!of!the!lens.!!!The!entire!front!section!is!moved!to!focus!this!lat est!35!mm!lens.!!!!But,!it!is!much!
smaller-diameter! and! lighter! in! weight,! making! it! possible! to! sw itch ! from! a! ring-type! USM! to! the!
stepping!motor!(STM)!focus!drive!system .!!Amon g!other!ben efits,!this!change!to!STM!focus!drive!m eans!
much!smoother!focus!performance!when!th e!len s-camera!system!is!use d!f or !vid e o !sh o o tin g .!