Owner's Manual

Table Of Contents
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Figure&33!!!!!MTF$curves$for$RF35mm$F1.8$MACRO$IS$STM $len s!
Figure&34!!!!!!!MTF$characteristics$of$the$new$RF35mm$F1.8$MACRO$IS$STM$le n s$c o m p a re d $to $two$35m m$
The! new! RF35mm! F1.8! MACRO! IS! STM! has! remarkably! similar! MTF! characteristics! to! those! of! the!
excellent!EF35mm!f/1.4L!lens.!!Bu t!it!is!a!m o re !co mpact!and !ligh tweight!lens!a n d!h a s!a!macro!sho ot ing !
capability!at!f/1.8!brightn es s!that!cann o t!be!matc he d!by!any!EF !lens.!!The!control!algorithm!of!the!new!
optical!IS!augments!the!Dual!Sensing!IS!of!the!EOS!R!len s-camera!system ,!providing!high!image!stability!
in!macro !p h o to g ra p h y!u sin g !u p !to !5 !st o p s!s hu t te r!sp e e d .!!!!