
When Autofocus Fails (Manual Focusing)
Autofocus can fail to achieve focus (the focus confirmation light
<•> blinks) with certain subjects such as the following:
Difficult Subjects for Autofocusing
• Low-contrast subjects.
Example: Blue sky, flat surface with a solid color.
Subjects in very low light.
• Extremely backlit or reflective subjects.
Example: Automobile with a strong reflection.
Overlapping near and far objects.
Example: Animal behind bars in a cage.
In such cases, do one of the following:
(1) Focus lock an object at the same distance as the subject and
(2) Set the lens focus mode switch to <MF> and focus manually.
I3Q Manual Focusing
Set the lens focus mode switch
to <MF>.
Focus the subject.
• Focus by turning the lens focusing
ring until the subject is in focus in
the viewfinder.
Focus ring
aIf you hold down the shutter button halfway while focusing manually,
the active AF point mark and the focus confirmation light <#> will
light when focus is achieved.