
AF Mode and Film Advance Mode
AF Mode
Sinale frame
One Shot AF
The picture cannot be taken until
focus is achieved. When locus is
achieved, it also locks at the same
time The evaluative metering's
exposure setting is also locked.
(The exposure setting is retained
until the picture is taken.)
The same conditions explained
on the left apply during
continuous shooting. (Max 1.5
frames per sec.)
AI Servo AF
The suDject is focus-tracked for
continuous autofocus. The
exposure Is set when the picture
Ib taken
The same conditions explained on
the left apply during continuous
shooting. Autofocusing continues
during continuous shooting. (Max.
1.3 frames per sec )
AI Focus AF
Aulomalicaily switches between One Shot AF and Al Servo AF
according to the subjecl status
Troubleshooting Guide
If there is a problem, first refer to this Troubleshooting Guide.
Nothing is displayed on the LCD panel.
The batteries are exhausted. / The batteries have been installed incorrectly.
Replace the batteries with new ones. / Install the batteries correctly. (p.11)
The picture looks blurred.
The lens focus mode switch is set to <MF>.
Set the lens focus mode switch to <AF> (p 13)
There was camera shake when the picture was taken.
Hold the camera steady or use a faster shutter speed, (p 14)
The shutter does not work.
On the LCD panel, the frame count is not displayed and the <@> icon blinks.
Take out the film and load it correctly. (p.l5)
The focus confirmation light <•> in the viewfinder blinks and focus
cannot be achieved.
Select another AF point, (p.28)
If focus still cannot be achieved, focus manualiy (p 30)
The icon blinks on the LCD panel.
The battery level is very low.
Replace Ihe batteries with new ones, (p 11)
A misoperation has occurred.
Press the shutter button halfway. (p.14) / Remove ihe batteries and reload
it- (p.11) If the blinking <C!3> icon does not turn off. consult your nearest
Canon dealer