Owner's Manual

Table Of Contents
Adjusting the Focus
Continuous AF
By default, the camcorder will focus automatically on a subject
at the center of the screen. If the AF frame size has been
changed to a setting other than [Automatic] (A 79), the
camcorder will focus automatically on a subject inside the AF
frame that appears on the screen.
1 Set the FOCUS switch to A.
@ appears on the left of the screen.
•If > [
# Camera Setup] > [AF Frame] is set
to [Automatic], the rest of the procedure is not necessary. If
you wish to display an AF frame to control where to focus,
continue with step 2.
2 Set [AF Frame] to a setting other than [Automatic]
(steps 1-2, A 79).
3 Select [AF Mode].
> [
# Camera Setup] > [AF Mode]
4 Select [Continuous] and then press SET.
A white AF frame will appear on the screen. If necessary, change the size and position of the AF frame
(A 79).
When face detection is activated, a white detection frame will appear around the face of the person who has
been determined to be the main subject.
About the autofocus (AF) functions:
The point where the camcorder focuses may change slightly depending on shooting conditions, such as
subject, brightness and zoom position. Check the focus before resuming shooting.
When you close the aperture beyond F11, the camcorder will focus automatically using continuous AF.
Autofocus may take longer when the frame rate set in the video configuration is 29.97P, 25.00P or 23.98P.
You can change some aspects of the autofocus function with the following settings.
- > [
# Camera Setup] > [AF Speed] to set the AF speed (the speed at which the focus is
- > [
# Camera Setup] > [AF Response] to set the responsiveness of the autofocus function.
- When the AF mode cannot be selected (see following point), the [AF Speed] and [AF Response] settings
cannot be selected either.
The AF mode cannot be selected in the following cases.
- When > [v'Camera Setup] > [Conversion Lens] is set to a setting other than [Off].
- When > [v%Camera Setup] > [Digital Zoom] is set to [Tele-converter 6.0x] or
[Tele-converter 3.0x].
- When the [Gamma] setting in the custom picture file (A 124) is set to [PQ] or [HLG].
- When infrared recording is activated.
Autofocus may not work well on the following subjects or in the following cases. In such case, focus manually.
- When the [Gamma] setting in the custom picture file (A 124) is set to [Canon Log 3] or [Wide DR].
- When using small apertures.
- When subjects at different distances appear inside the AF frame.
- Reflective surfaces
- Subjects with low contrast or without vertical lines
- Fast moving subjects
- Through dirty or wet windows
-Night scenes
- Subjects with a repetitive pattern