User's Manual

3. Select OK on the displayed screen.
Checking Imported Certificate
Make sure the imported certificate has been registered to your computer.
1. Display certificate list.
On the left window of Microsoft Management Console, select Console Root > Certificates (Local
Computer) > Trusted Root Certificate Authorities in this order, and Select Certificates to display
the certificate list.
Check registered certificate.
Make sure the imported certificate name is displayed on the list.
Make sure you can see the registered certificate from Current user by creating the Current
user snap-in.
When you finish Microsoft Management Console, a message asking you whether to save the console
setting. If you continue to apply the same settings next, select Yes to save.
For macOS
The procedure below describes how to import a root certificate in macOS.
Start up Remote UI.
Select For secure communication.
Select Download.
The root certificate will be downloaded.
4. Open downloaded certificate file.
When the download procedure is completed, a downloaded item pops up on the right of the screen.
Double-click the downloaded certificate on the list starts up Keychain Access and the Add
Certificates screen appears.
If the downloaded item does not pop up, select the Show Downloads button on the