Advanced User Guide

Shooting in Program AE (P Mode)
Shutter speed and aperture value are automatically adjusted to suit subject
mode o󰀨ers exibility in setting AF operation, metering modes, and
several other features.
Enter mode.
Configure each feature as needed.
z : Program AE; AE: Auto Exposure
z If standard exposure cannot be obtained when you press the shutter
button halfway, the shutter speed and aperture value blink in white. In this
case, try adjusting the ISO speed or activating the ash (if subjects are
dark), which may enable standard exposure.
z Movies can be recorded in
mode as well, by pressing the movie
recording button. However, some items on Quick Control and Menu
screens may be automatically adjusted for movie recording.
z After you press the shutter button halfway, you can adjust the combination
of shutter speed and aperture value by turning the
ring (Program Shift).