User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Protecting Images
Protecting All Images in a Folder or on a Card
You can protect all the images in a folder or on a card at once.
When you select [All images in folder]
or [All images on card] in [
Protect images], all the images in the
folder or on the card will be protected.
To cancel the selection, select
[Unprotect all images in folder] or
[Unprotect all images on card].
If the search conditions are set with [
2: Set image search
conditions] (p.313), the display will change to [All found images]
and [Unprotect all found].
If you select [All found images], all the
images ltered by the search conditions
will be protected.
If you select [Unprotect all found], the
protection of all the ltered images will
be canceled.
If you format the card (p.373), the protected images will also be
Once an image is protected, it cannot be erased by the camera’s
erase function. To erase a protected image, you must rst cancel the
If you erase all the images (p.338), only the protected images will
remain. This is convenient when you want to erase all unnecessary
images at once.