User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Custom Function Settings
Same exposure for new aperture
Maximum aperture may decrease (the lowest f/number may increase) in
] mode (manual exposure shooting) with ISO speed set manually (except
when set to ISO Auto) if you 1. Change lenses, 2. Attach an extender, or 3.
Use a zoom lens with a variable maximum aperture. This function prevents
the corresponding underexposure by adjusting ISO speed or shutter speed
(Tv) automatically to maintain the same exposure as before 1, 2, or 3.
[OFF] Disable
[ISO] ISO speed
[ISO/Tv] ISO speed/Shutter speed
[Tv] Shutter speed
Does not respond to changes in e󰀨ective aperture from changes in
magnication when macro lenses are used.
Cannot provide the same exposure as before 1, 2, or 3 if [ISO speed]
is set and the exposure cannot be maintained at speeds in [ISO speed
Cannot provide the same exposure as before 1, 2, or 3 if [Shutter
speed] is set and the exposure cannot be maintained at speeds in [
Set shutter speed range].
Standard exposure is updated to the exposure at the moment the
camera turns o󰀨 if the camera turns o󰀨 (as by setting the power switch to
>) while maintaining exposure after you have performed 1, 2, or 3.
Also responds to changes in the highest f/number (minimum aperture).
The original exposure setting is restored if you perform 1, 2, or 3 with [ISO
speed] or [Shutter speed] set and do not adjust ISO speed, shutter
speed, or aperture before returning the camera to the original state,
before 1, 2, or 3.
Shutter speed may change to maintain exposure if the ISO speed
increases to an expanded ISO speed when [ISO speed] is set.