White paper

Three! decades! after! the! debut! of! the! Canon! EOS! system! Canon ! b elieves! that! new! and! broadening!
marketplace! dynamics! require! an! extension! to! the! original! design! premise! of! the! EF! interchangeable!
lens-cam era!system .!An!ideal!lens-camera!system!inten d e d !fo r! fu tu re !y ea rs !in !imaging!would!include!the!
following! co ntem porary!considerations:!
1. Emerging!popularity!of!the!full!frame!image!sensor!
2. Anticipated!progressive!elevation!of!sensor!resolution!
3. Quest!for!higher!exposure!ranges!!
4. Increasing! diversity! and! sophistication! of! end-users! seekin g ! extended! operational!
functionalities !
There! continues! to ! be! an! inexorable! growth! in! the! needs! and! aspirations! of! the! m ultiple! creative!
communities!presently!engaged! in!both!still!and!motion!imaging.!!!Widely! differing!needs! in! zooms!and!
primes! encompass! a! spectrum! of! optical! performances,! size/weight! considerations,! a nd! operational!
features!—!often!requiring!a!pragmatic!balance!between!the se!three!central!specifications!—!Figure!4.!!!
Long!focal!ranges!combined!w ith!a!wide!ap erture!!as!required!for!sports!coverage!—!might!militate!
against!achievement!of!the!highest!optical!performance.!!!Lenses!intended!for!p ortraiture!might!assign!
the! top! prio rity! to ! ov era ll! optica l! pe rform a nc e! s pec ification s! ! perhaps! at! a! cost! of! some! limit! to!
aperture!and!maybe!size!and!weight.!!!The!variations!in!diverse!sh o o tin g!r eq u ire ments!are!end le ss .!
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!Figure&4! The$totality$of$lens$design$entails$many$parameters$that$bear$upon$three$key$criteria$
If!the! area!o f!the!triangle!in!Figure!4! reflects! all! of! the! op tica l,! optom e ch an ical,! and! electronic!design!
parameters! available! to!the!lens!designers,!then!m aximizing!that! area!offers!greater!options!in!favoring!