User Manual

<Menu> <Function Settings> <Printer> <Printer Settings> <PCL> <Halftones> <Error
Diffusion> Select <Off> or <On>
This setting is only available when <Resolution> is set to <600 dpi>.
The stability of the te
xture and xed toner may be reduced when <Error Diffusion> is used.
<Resolution/Gradation> *1
Select a method used to reproduce halftones, if <Error Diffusion> is set to <Off>. This option can be
specied for each image type in any one document.
<Menu> <Function Settings> <Printer> <Printer Settings> <PCL> <Halftones>
<Resolution/Gradation> Select the type of image Select <Resolution> or <Gradation>
Type of image
Select the object for which to change the setting. <T
ext> represents letters and characters, <Graphics>
represents lines and gures, and <Image> represents photos and images.
Setting value
oduces a ne print with clear edges of text. It is suitable for printing characters and ne lines.
Setting Menu List