User Manual

Specify the PS printing settings such as page layout and print quality.
<Job Timeout>
This setting enables you to specify the amount of time befor
e a job times out. If a job has not nished within
the set time limit, the job automatically cancels.
to 3600 (sec.)
<Menu> <Function Settings> <Printer> <Printer Settings> <PS> <Job Timeout>
Specify the seconds for job timeout <Apply>
<Print PS Errors>
This setting determines whether an err
or page is printed when an error is encountered.
<Menu> <Function Settings> <Printer> <Printer Settings> <PS> <Print PS Errors>
Select <Off> or <On>
<Pure Black Text>
es a setting so that black text of which color information is "R = G = B = 0%," "C = M = Y = 100%," or "C
= M = Y = 0%/K = 100%" is printed using only the K (black) toner. When <Off> is selected, text is printed based
on the <Output Prole> setting.
<Menu> <Function Settings> <Printer> <Printer Settings> <PS> <Pure Black Text>
Select <Off> or <On>
<Black Overprint>
Specify the printing method used when black te
xt overlaps a colored background or gure. This option is not
displayed when <Pure Black Text> is set to <Off>.
Setting Menu List