User Manual

List of Support Code for Error
Support code appears on the LCD and your computer screen when errors occur.
A "support code" is an error number, and appears along with an error message.
When an error occurs, check the support code displayed on the LCD and computer screen and take the
appropriate action in response.
Support Code Appears on LCD and Computer Screen
1000 to 1ZZZ
1000 1001 1002 1003 1013 1200
1259 1270 1300 1303 1304 1309
1310 1313 1401 1403 1405 140B
1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 15A1
15A2 1551 1552 1600 1660 1684
1688 1689 168C 1700 1701 1730
1731 1830 1850 1851 1855 1857
1871 1874 1890
2000 to 2ZZZ
2110 2113 2114 2120 2123 2500
3000 to 3ZZZ
3413 3439 3440 3441 3442 3443
3444 3445 3446 3447
4000 to 4ZZZ
4100 4103 4104 495A
5000 to 5ZZZ
5100 5200 520E 5400 5700 5B00
5B01 5C02
6000 to 6ZZZ
6000 6001 6004 6500 6502 6800