User Manual

Chapter 8 Special Scanning
This section provides examples of scanning settings for different
purposes. For details on setting options, see " Chapter 7 Setting the
Scanner Driver" on p.59
Practical Examples
To scan unregistered size documents ............................................. 67
When you want to specify the scan area..........................................68
When you want to delete the images of the blank pages in two-sided
documents........................................................................................... 69
When you do not want to scan colored lines and text.................... 70
When you want to enhance the color red......................................... 71
When you want to enhance contours in images ............................. 72
When you want to make lines or characters in the scanned images
thicker.................................................................................................. 73
When you want to enhance text that is difficult to read because of
factors such as the background of the scanned document...........74
When you want to detect multiple pages fed at the same time...... 75
When you want to scan a document placed upside-down ............. 76
When you want to match the orientation of images to the text when
scanning a mixture of pages with different text orientations.........77
When you want to rotate the images of a document placed
horizontally to correct the orientation.............................................. 78
When you want to set the scanner conditions automatically ........79
When you want to use batch separation for scanning ................... 80
When you want to use multistream settings for scanning............. 81
When you want to save a scanner driver setting ............................ 83
Scan Panel........................................................................................... 84
To scan unregistered size documents
Configuring the following settings allows you to scan a document of an
unregistered page size.
You can register a non-standard page size that has not been registered as
a page size by naming and registering it as a custom page size in the
[Custom Page Size] dialog box, which is opened from the [Save] button on
the [Basic] tab.