Advanced User Guide

Chapters Contents
Index to Features Index
Chapters Contents
Index to Features Index
Power saving : 372
P (Program AE) : 96
Pressing completely : 54, 395
Pressing halfway : 54, 395
Photobook set-up : 322
Print order (DPOF) : 318
Program AE : 96
Program shift : 97
Protecting images : 310
[Q] (Quick Control) : 65
Quick Control : 65
Quick control dial : 57
Rating : 340
Rating mark : 340
RAW : 116, 117
RAW image processing : 325
RAW+JPEG : 116, 583
Reduced display : 300
Release shutter without card : 182
Remote control : 217
Remote control terminal : 32, 219
Remote switch : 219
Resizing : 339
Rotating (images) : 313, 366
Safety instructions : 25
Safety shift : 529
Saturation : 153
Scene icons : 72, 595
Scene Intelligent Auto : 68
<SCN> (Special scene) : 34, 75
Screen : 30, 45
Angle adjustment : 45
Brightness : 373
SD/SDHC/SDXC cards → Cards
Second-curtain synchronization : 228
Self-timer : 209
Sensitivity → ISO speed
Sensor cleaning : 382
Serial number : 33
Servo AF
Initial AF Point : 535
Movie Servo AF : 280, 282, 283
SERVO : 186
SERVO (Servo AF) : 186
Sharpness : 153
Shooting information display : 388, 591
Shooting mode
<A+> (Scene Intelligent Auto) : 68
Av (Aperture-priority AE) : 100
B (Bulb) : 106
<C1>/<C2>/<C3> (Custom shooting) :
Fv (Flexible-priority AE) : 104
M (Manual exposure) : 102
P (Program AE) : 96
SCN (Special scene mode) : 75
Tv (Shutter-priority AE) : 98
Shooting range : 391
Shutter button : 54
Shutter button functions : 395