Advanced User Guide

Chapters Contents
Index to Features Index
Chapters Contents
Index to Features Index
Full Auto Techniques (Scene Intelligent
Recomposing the Shot
Depending on the scene, positioning the subject toward the left or right
to include a balanced background will result in a picture with better
Pressing the shutter button halfway to focus on a still subject will lock the
focus on that subject. Recompose the shot while keeping the shutter button
pressed halfway, and then press the shutter button completely to take the
picture. This is called “focus lock”.
Shooting a Moving Subject
After you press the shutter button halfway and a blue AF point appears, the
camera detects subject movement and focuses using Servo AF. Keep the
subject on the screen as you hold down the shutter button halfway, and at
the decisive moment, press the shutter button completely.
If you prefer to shoot with One-Shot AF, set [
Auto servo] to