User's Manual

Table Of Contents
<Manually Acquir
<IP Address>:
<Subnet Mask>:
<Gateway Address>:
<Check Settings>
<DHCP Option Settings>
If DHCP is enabled, use these settings to select whether to use the DHCP optional functions to acquir
e the
DNS server address or the domain name.
Conī “guring DNS(P
. 67)
<Acquire Host Name>
<DNS Dynamic Update>
e DNS Server Address>
e Domain Name>
e WINS Server Address>
e POP Server Address>
<PING Command>
Select to check that the machine is connected to a computer o
ver a network.
Testing the Network
Connection(P. 45)
<IPv6 Settings>
Specify settings for using the machine in an IPv6 network. Setting IPv6 Addresses(P. 46)
<Use IPv6>
<Check IPv6 Settings>
You can check the link-local address that is automatically acquired.
<Stateless Address Settings>
Enable or disable stateless addresses.
Setting Menu List