Advanced User Manual

Creative Filter Eff ects
Save the image.
Select [OK].
Check the destination folder and image
le number displayed, then select [OK].
To apply fi lter processing to other
images, repeat steps 2–5.
For images captured in RAW+JPEG shooting, fi lter processing is applied to
the RAW image, and the results are saved as a JPEG.
For RAW images captured at a specifi c aspect ratio, the resulting image is
saved at that aspect ratio after fi lter processing.
Images processed using the fi sh-eye eff ect fi lter will not have Dust Delete
Data (
241) appended.
Creative Filter Characteristics
Grainy B/W
Makes the image grainy and black and white. By adjusting the contrast,
you can change the black-and-white eff ect.
Soft focus
Gives the image a soft look. By adjusting the blur, you can change the
degree of softness.