Advanced User Manual

Macro photography : 93
Magnifying images : 144, 147
Main dial : 58
Malfunction : 595
Manual exposure : 117
Manual focus : 147
Manual reset : 509
Manual selection(AF point) : 132
Maximum burst : 201, 615
Medium (image quality) : 199
Memory cards → Cards
Menu : 63
Custom Functions : 552
Dimmed menu items : 66
Function settings : 502
Movie recording : 274
My Menu : 583
Playback : 330
Setting procedure : 64
Still photo shooting : 193
Wireless communication functions :
Metering mode : 158
Metering timer : 220
MF (Manual focusing) : 147
MF peaking : 149
Microphone : 296
Miniature eff ect : 106, 108, 363
Miniature eff ect movie : 287
Mirror lockup : 263
M (Manual exposure) : 117
Mode dial : 38, 58
Monochrome : 83, 231, 235
Movies : 273
AE lock : 278
AF method : 135
Attenuator : 296
Autoexposure recording : 277
Auto slow shutter : 324
Cards that can record movies : 617
Compression method : 290
Creative fi lters : 285
Editing : 340
Editing out fi rst and last scenes : 340
External microphone : 296
File size : 293, 618
Frame Grab : 342
Frame rate : 290
Grid display : 540
HDMI output : 325, 543
HDR movie recording : 284
Headphones : 296
Information display : 622, 625
Manual exposure recording : 279
Metering timer : 220
Microphone : 296
Movie digital IS : 298
Movie recording size : 288
Movie Servo AF : 317, 319, 320
Movie shooting button : 33
Playback : 337
Quick Control : 67
Recording coverage : 289
Recording time : 294, 618
Servo AF speed : 320