Advanced User Guide

Zooming In Closer on Subjects
(Digital Zoom)
When distant subjects are too far away to enlarge using the optical zoom,
use digital zoom for up to about 16x enlargement.
Move the zoom lever toward .
z Press and hold the lever.
z Zooming stops at the largest zoom factor
before the image becomes noticeably
grainy, which is then indicated on the
Press toward again.
z The camera zooms in even closer on the
z (1) is the current zoom factor.
z Using the zoom lever will show the current position on the zoom bar. The
zoom bar is color-coded to indicate the zoom range.
- White range: optical zoom range where the image will not appear grainy.
- Yellow range: digital zoom range where the image is not noticeably
grainy (ZoomPlus).
- Blue range: digital zoom range where the image will appear grainy.
z No blue range is displayed under certain pixel count settings, and you can
zoom in to the maximum level in one zoom operation.
z To deactivate digital zoom, choose
[Digital zoom] → [Off].