Advanced User Guide

Review the edited movie.
z Playback: [ ]
z Cancel editing: button
Save the movie.
z [ ] → [New le]
z Save a compressed version: [ ] → [OK]
Image quality after compression when you choose [Save compressed
Before Compression After Compression
, ,
, ,
z When you are specifying portions to cut, moving [ ] or [ ] to a position not
identied with a [
] icon will cut from the beginning to the nearest [ ]
mark on the left (for [
]) or from the nearest [ ] mark on the right to the
end (for [
z For digest movies (
60) and video snapshots (
168), deletion is
performed on the basis of clips.
z To erase and overwrite the original movie with the edited one, choose
[Overwrite] on the screen for saving edited movies.
z If the memory card lacks su󰀩cient space, only [Overwrite] will be available.
z Movies may not be saved if the battery pack runs out while saving is in
z When editing movies, you should use a fully charged battery pack.