Advanced User Guide

HDR Backlight Control
Three consecutive images are captured at
di󰀨erent brightness levels each time you shoot,
which are automatically combined to create a
single image. This mode can reduce the loss of
detail in highlights and shadows that tends to
occur in shots with mixed bright and dark image
z Hold the camera steady as it shoots continuously.
z Excessive motion blur or certain shooting conditions may prevent you from
obtaining the desired results.
z If excessive camera shake interferes with shooting, mount the camera on
a tripod or take other measures to keep it still. In this case, also disable
image stabilization.
z Any subject movement will cause images to look blurry.
z There will be a delay before you can shoot again, as the camera
processes and combines the images.
Vivid shots of reworks.
z Mount the camera on a tripod or take other measures to keep it still and
prevent camera shake. Additionally, you should set [IS mode] to [O󰀨] when
using a tripod or other means to secure the camera.
z Although no frames are displayed when you press the shutter button
halfway, optimal focus is still determined.