User's Manual

1. From Settings menu on your device, select Security, Trust credentials, and USER.
The list of downloaded certificates appears.
2. Select downloaded certificate.
The certificate information appears.
Make sure that thumbprint of certificate information matches printer's thumbprint.
The printer's thumbprint is displayed in Root cert. thumbprint (SHA-1) column or Root cert.
thumbprint (SHA-256) column when tapped in the following order.
(Printer information) > System information
If thumbprint of certificate information screen matches printer's thumbprint, select OK.
The root certificate registration is completed.
If the message to warn you that the secure connection is not guaranteed appears when you select
Log in on Remote UI after registering the root certificate, restart the web browser. The message will
not appear on the web browser.
Depending on the Android device, a warning may appear even after registering the proper root
For Mobile Safari on iOS
Select For secure communication on Remote UI.
Select Download.
Downloading the root certificate is started and then Install Profile screen is displayed.
Select Install.
Warning screen is displayed.
If a password is set on your device, entering a password may be required.
4. Select Install.
5. Select Install on displayed dialog.
The root certificate registration is completed.