Owner's Manual

Table Of Contents
Movie Playback Panel (Video Snapshot Albums)
Option Playback Operations
Play Pressing < > toggles between playback and stop.
Slow motion
Adjusts the slow motion speed with the < > < > keys. The slow motion
speed is indicated in the upper right of the screen.
Previous clip
Displays the first frame of the previous video snapshot.
Previous frame
Displays the previous frame each time you press < >. Holding < > down
will rewind the movie.
Next frame
Plays the movie frame-by-frame each time you press < >. Holding < >
down will fast forward the movie.
Next clip
Displays the first frame of the next video snapshot.
Erase clip
Erases the current video snapshot.
Displays the editing screen ( ).
Background music
Plays back an album with the selected background music ( ).
Playback position
mm' ss" Playback time (minutes:seconds)
Volume Use the < > < > keys to adjust the speaker volume ( ).
Adjust the volume using television controls when the camera is connected to a
television for movie playback ( ), because volume cannot be adjusted with the
< > < > keys.
Movie playback may stop if the card's read speed is too slow or movie files have
corrupted frames.
For details on the movie recording time available, see Time available for movie