Owner's Manual

Table Of Contents
125: Check the network settings
Is the network connected?
Check the connection status of the network.
126: Could not connect to server
image.canon is under maintenance or temporarily busy.
Try accessing the service again later.
127: An error has occurred
A problem other than error code number 121 to 126 occurred while the camera is
connected to the Web service.
Try again to establish the Wi-Fi connection to image.canon.
141: Printer is busy. Try connecting again.
Is the printer performing a printing process?
Try again to establish the Wi-Fi connection to the printer after the printing process is
Is another camera connected to the printer via Wi-Fi?
Try again to establish the Wi-Fi connection to the printer after the Wi-Fi connection
to the other camera has been terminated.
142: Could not acquire printer information. Reconnect to try again.
Is the power of the printer on?
Try again to establish the Wi-Fi connection after turning on the printer.
151: Transmission canceled
Automatic image transfer to the computer was somehow interrupted.
To resume automatic image transfer, set the camera's power switch to < >,
and then set it to < >.
152: Card's write protect switch is set to lock
Is the card's write-protect switch set to the locked position?
Slide the card's write-protect switch to the writing position.