Owner's Manual

Table Of Contents
[ ] Natural
For images preserving a wide tonal range where the highlight and shadow details would
otherwise be lost. Clipped highlights and shadows will be reduced.
[ ] Art standard
While the clipped highlights and shadows will be reduced more than with [Natural], the
contrast will be lower, and the gradation flatter to have the picture look like a painting.
The subject outlines will have bright (or dark) edges.
[ ] Art vivid
The colors are more saturated than with [Art standard], and the low contrast and flat
gradation create a graphic art effect.
[ ] Art bold
The colors are the most saturated, making the subject pop out, and the picture looks like
an oil painting.
[ ] Art embossed
The color saturation, brightness, contrast and gradation are decreased to make the
picture look flat, so that the picture looks faded and old. The subject outlines will have
intensely bright (or dark) edges.
Art standard Art vivid Art bold Art embossed
Saturation Standard High Higher Low
Outline emphasis Standard Weak Strong Stronger
Brightness Standard Standard Standard Dark
Gradation Flat Flat Flat Flatter
Each effect will be applied based on the characteristics of the Picture Style ( )
currently set.