User Manual

Using the Focal Length Guide
Using the Focal Length Guide
The focal length guide aids you when using two camcorders for 3D
recording. The guide appears as a numerical value and has a range of
195 steps. You can set the guide to 0 at any point in the zoom range to
help precisely calibrate both camcorders.
1 Set up two camcorders and align their picture angle at full
2 Open the [Focal Length Guide] submenu.
[l Camera Setup] [Zoom] [Focal Length Guide]
3 Select [Set To 0] and then press SET.
The focal length guide appears on the left side of the screen as
[z ±0]. To turn off the indicator, select [Off] instead.
4 Press MENU.
5 Operate the zoom.
If both camcorders are set so that the same value is displayed during
zoom, the focal length for both camcorders will remain almost the
Although the focal length guide is an aid for 3D recording, make sure to
check the picture angle visually while recording.
You can obtain more accurate results when you perform this procedure
at full telephoto.
The same picture angle for both camcorders cannot be guaranteed.
Operating modes:
[l Camera Setup]
[Focal Length Guide]