
With HS System for great shots in low light,
Smart Auto and Full HD movies, the stylish metal
bodied IXUS 115 HS lets you simply enjoy the fun.
Key features
Premium image quality even in
low light using HS System with
12.1 Megapixel CMOS
28mm wide-angle, 4x optical
zoom Canon lens with optical
Image Stabilizer
Slim metal body with large
7.6cm (3.0”), strong and clear
PureColor II G LCD
Full HD movies (1080p) with
Dynamic IS and HDMI
Smart Auto detects 32 scenes for
the ultimate in point and shoot
High-speed Burst and Super Slow
Motion Movie capture fast action
Movie Digest records the fun before
each shot to create a bonus movie
Miniature and Toy Camera effects,
Smart Shutter with Smile and
Wink Self-Timer
Focus on
the fun
Movie Digest records a
four second VGA-quality
movie clip, before each
photo is taken. Then all
the clips captured from
the same day are joined
into a single movie
providing an alternative
and fun way to save your
memorable moments
without requiring any
extra effort.