Operation Manual

Installation Procedure
Basic Guide Installation Procedure
Adjust the screen inclination
1 Loosen four screws (D), and then
adjust the slant angle of the
2 When the projector is correctly
positioned, tighten the four screws
Precautions when replacing lamps that stop working
If illumination suddenly stops, either when you turn the projector
on or after it has been on for a while, the lamp may have ruptured.
In this case, never attempt to replace the lamp by yourself. Always
request service from the Canon Customer Support Center.
With ceiling-mounted projectors, the lamp may fall out when you
open the lamp cover, or during replacement. During replacement,
stand to the side of the lamp cover, not directly under it.
If the lamp ruptures, dust and gas (containing mercury vapor) may
come out of the exhaust vents. If this happens, immediately open
the windows and doors to provide ventilation to the room.
If you accidentally inhale gas from the lamp or get any pieces in
your eyes or mouth, consult a doctor immediately.