User Manual

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Checking the Printing Status and Log
ou can check the current print statuses and the logs for printed documents.
When <Display Job Log> is set to <Off>, you cannot check the print logs. <Display Job Log>(P. 553)
Useful in the Following Cases
When your documents ar
e not printed for a long time, you may want to see the waiting list of the
documents waiting to be printed.
When you cannot nd your printouts that you thought had been printed, you may want to see whether an
error has occurred.
Select <Status Monitor>.
Select <Copy/Print Job>.
Check the print statuses and logs.
To check the print statuses
Select the document whose status you want to check in the <Copy/Print Job Status> tab.
Displays detailed information about the document.
To check the print logs
Select the document whose log you want to check in the <Print Job Log> tab.
<OK> is displayed when a document was printed successfully
, and <Error> is displayed when a
document failed to be printed because it was canceled or there was some error.