User Manual

Table Of Contents
Enter alphanumeric characters as the SMTP server name or IP address for sending e-mail and I-Faxes.
[User Name]
Enter alphanumeric char
acters as the user name for the specied e-mail account when a POP3 server is used.
[Set/Change Password]
To set or change the password when a POP3 server is used, select the check box and enter alphanumeric
characters in [Password].
Specify the settings required for I-Fax reception
Select the check box to receive I-Faxes.
[POP Interval]
This sets the interval (in minutes) used for automatically connecting to the POP3 server. If there are any I-Fax
documents on the server, they are automatically received and printed.
To disable automatic reception
Set [POP Interval] to [0]. When [0] is set, you r
eceive I-Faxes manually.
Receiving I-Faxes
. 258)
Conguring Pop Authentication befor
e Sending
POP before SMTP authentication prevents unauthorized users from using e-mail and I-Faxes by performing
user authentication on the POP3 server.
[Use POP Authentication Before Sending]
o use the POP3 server for authentication before you send e-mail or I-Faxes, select the check box.
[Use APOP Authentication]
Setting Up