User`s guide

Changing the Copy (Zoom) Ratio
Basic Copying and Mail Box Features
Automatically Specifying the Copy Ratio (Auto XY Zoom)
The XY copy ratio is automatically set to suit the size of the selected paper.
The Auto XY Zoom mode cannot be used with the following mode(s).
- Copy: Automatic Paper Selection, Cover/Sheet Insertion (Tab Paper), Image Repeat (Auto), Tab Paper
You cannot copy highly transparent originals, such as transparencies, in the Auto XY Zoom mode.
Manually specify the copy (zoom) ratio for these types of originals.
If you set the Auto XY Zoom mode, select the paper size using the Manual Paper Selection mode. If you
do not select a paper size, paper drawer 1 is automatically selected and the copy (zoom) ratio is set to
match the size of the paper loaded in that drawer.
If you set the copy (zoom) ratio in the Auto XY Zoom mode, Auto Orientation is not performed.
The Auto XY Zoom mode is available for the Copy function only.
If you notice a difference between the copy (zoom) ratio and the actual print size, you can try to
eliminate this error by making a Zoom Fine Adjustment in Adjustment/Cleaning (from the Additional
Functions screen). (See Chapter 4, "Customizing Settings," in the Reference Guide.)
Selected Page 26 Tuesday, May 24, 2005 12:12 PM