User`s guide

Customizing Mail Box Settings
Customizing Settings
Press [Password], and enter the password for the User Inbox using - (numeric keys) in
seven digits or less. Press [Confirm], enter the same password, and press [OK]. You can leave
the password blank. You cannot store a password with only zeros as the number, such as
<Time Unit Doc. Auto Erase>:
Press [ ] or [ ] to set the time that has to elapse before documents in the selected User Inbox
are automatically erased.
[URL Send Settings]:
If you set the machine to notify the URL of the User Inbox in which the document is stored by
e-mail, you can confirm the document using the Remote UI. To notify the URL by e-mail, press
[URL Send Settings] select the destination press [OK].
The selected mode is set.
Since there is no way to check a stored password, make sure that you write down the password
that you enter, and keep it in a safe place.
For instructions on entering characters, see Chapter 2, "Basic Operations," in the Reference
The default setting for the time it takes for documents to be automatically deleted is '3' days.
If Use Asterisks to Enter Access No./Passwords in System Settings (from the Additional
Functions screen) is set to 'Off', passwords you enter are not displayed as asterisks (********).
(See Chapter 6, "System Manager Settings," in the Reference Guide.)
Press [Done]. Page 28 Tuesday, May 24, 2005 12:12 PM