User Manual

FE L FE Lock
FE (flash exposure) lock enables you to loch the correct flash exposure for
any part of the picture.
With <ETTL> displayed on the LCD panel, you press the camera's
>;FE L> button. If the camera does not have the cFE L> button, press the
<■)<■> button.
* •
^ Focus the subject.
Press the <fel> button. (Sis)
Aim the viewfinder center over the subject
and press the <FEL> button,
A preflash will be fired to obtain a flash
exposure reading for the subject.
"FEL" will be displyed on the LCD panel for
0.5 sec.
Each time you press the cFE Li' button, a
prellash will be fired and a new flash
exposure reading will be locked.
If subfect is too far away and underexpostjre will result, the < i > icon will btink in
ttie viewfinder. Wove closer to tl>e subject and try the FE lock again,
it<ETTL> is not displayed on the LCD panel, FE lock will not be posslble-
■ If the subject is too small, FE lock might not be very effective.