User Manual

Major Specifications
CompiNbie cameras:
Quid? Nio.:
Fiash coverage:
Flash duration:
Color temperature
information transinisslon;
* Exposure Control
Exposure Control Type:
Flash range
(with 50mm 1/1.4, r$0 100);
Flash exposure
FE iock:
High-speed sync:
Stroboscopic flash:
Flash exposure
On-camera, E-TTL ll/E-TTL/TTL autotlash Speediife
TypC'A EOS cameras (E-TTL EI/ErTTL autotlash),
Type-B EOS cameras (TTL autoflash)
56/190 (at 105mm focal length, ISO 100 in meiers/feet)
24 - 105mm (14mm with wide panel)
Auto zoom (flash coverage set automatically tor lens focal
length and image size)
* Manual zcorn
Flash head swing (bounoe flash)
Normal flash: 1.2 ms or shorter.
Quick flash; 2.3 ms or shorter
Flash color temperature informatiori transmitted to camera
E-TTL il/E-TTLiTTL auloilash, manual flash
Normal flash: 0-5 - 30 m / 1.6 - 98.4 tl
Quick flash: 0,5 - 7.5 m /1.6 - 24.6 ft (min,)
0.5-21m/1.6-68.9 ft (max.)
High-speed sync; 0.5 -15 m M ,6 - 49.2 ft (at 1 /250 sec.)
MariuaL FEB: ±3 stops fn 1/3-stop increments
(Manual and FEB can be combined)
With <FEL> button or<^> button
Provided {1 -199 Hz)
Pilot lamp lights
Flash Recycling (with sìz^-AA alkaline batteries)
Recycling time/
Flash-ready Indicator:
•Wireless Fiash
Transmission method:
Wireless options:
Normal flash: 0.1 to 6 sec. / Red pilot lamp lights
Quick flash; 0.1 to 3 sec.! Green pitot lamp lights
Optical pulse
OFF, Master, and Slave