Operating instructions

Index Semen
1. In single image display, press the [] (index screen)
Up to 6 images appear
_ Movies are displayed with the first scene as a still
image indicated by "_ "
2. Press the CARD +/- button to change the image
3. Move the G_ mark to the image you wish to view.
Turn the selector dial up to move to the next image and down
to move to the prewous image
Turning the selector dial up on the last image displays the next
index screen. Turning the selector dial down on the first image
displays the previous index screen
4. PreSS the [] (index screen) button.
The index screen is canceled and the selected image appears _n
single image display
S!ida _bo_
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_ 1. In single image display, press the SLIDE SHOW
_ Imagesare played back one after another.
._ 2. Press the SLIDE SHOW button to stop the slide show.