Operating instructions

lO.Press the ON/OFF button.
MANUAL: Images will be captured each time you pressthe ON/OFFbutton The blue
frame indicating the next sequence disappears after the last image. To cancel the last
captured image, pressand hold the ON/OFFbutton To cancel the multiqmage screen,
pressand release the ON/OFFbutton
FAST,MODERATE,SLOW:The set number of images will be captured at the set speed.
TOcancel the multi-image screen, pressthe ON/OFFbutton
11.Press the start/stop button begin recording.
The multidmage screenis recorded on the tape
C) The multi-image screen cannot be operated in Night and Super Night (ZR70
MC) mode.
C) You can operate the multi-image screen only in the following playback modes:
- When IS SPEED]is set to [MANUAL]: Playback pause, slow foi_vard/reverse
- When IS SPEED]is set to [FAST], [MOD] or [SLOW]: Playback pause
O The multi-image screen can be operated in record or record pause mode
C) _ _ The multidmage screen cannot be selected when Card Mix is
C) In PLAY (VCR) mode: Pressingany tape operation button (such as play or
pause), or performing date/photo search cancels the multi-image screen.