Operating instructions

Con_n_iQos Used in _hi_ Manu_!
Operating Modes
Position of the
Operating Mode POWER Switch
_i_are_ : ZR70 MC and ZR65 MC only,
o_ Available functions depend upon the operating mode. It is indicated asfollows:
: Function can be used in this mode.
............. : Function cannot be used in this mode.
e .........................................................................................
O [_ :Reference page number.
O [] :Functionsto be operated on the body of the camcorder
O [] :Functions to be operated on the wireless controller,
O _ :Additional topics that complement the basic operating procedures.
O _ : Precautions related to the camcorder operation.
O Capital letters are used to refer to buttons on the camcorder or the wireless
O [ ] are used to refer to menu items displayed on the screen.
O "Screen" refers to the LCDand the viewfinder screen.
The serial number of this product can be found at the battery attachment unit of
the camcorder. Write down the number and other information here and retain this
book as a permanent record of your purchase to aid identification in case of theft.
Date of Purchase: Model Name: ZR70 MC/ZR65 MC/ZR60
Purchased From: Serial No.:
Dealer Address:
Dealer Phone No.: