High Res Brochure

On-demand digital printing is changing the publishing landscape.
The book publishing model is changing from a “push” to a
“pull” business model. Instead of a publisher printing a mass
quantity of books and then hoping they sell, a publisher can
economically print a small quantity of books to test the market.
Another benefit of the digital business model is that the cus-
tomer can determine what books are to be printed. An order
can be submitted and paid for before the book is produced.
The Canon imageRUNNER Pro 7100VP Series digital presses
and optional accessories like the Bourg Perfect Binder and
Challenge Three-Knife Trimmer can help you develop new
business models in these growing markets.
By adding the Perfect Binder and Three-Knife Trimmer, you
now have an opportunity to produce professional looking
books and manuals that are flawless in appearance. These
components provide the opportunity to increase revenues by
producing print work for the education, financial, and healthcare
markets. As the book publishing market continues to shift from
one of mass production to customization, you will be already
positioned to take advantage of this lucrative area.
th e Ch a n g i n g en V i R o n m e n t o f gR a P h i C aR t S
As the printing industry grows and evolves, new lucrative markets emerge.