User Manual

Number of
Still Images
Large : 2048 x 1536 pixels
Medium 1: 1600 x 1200 pixels
Medium 2: 1024 x 768 pixels
Small : 640 x 480 pixels
640 x 480 pixels (Approx. 30 sec.)*
320 x 240 pixels (Approx. 3 min.)
160 x 120 pixels (Approx. 3 min.)
Approx. 15 frame / sec.
• The data in parentheses refer to the maximum movie per clip.
Replay Modes
Single image replay / index replay (9 thumbnails) /
zoomed view (LCD monitor zooms images up to maximum of approx. 10× ) /
auto play / sound memos (up to 60 sec.) /
Image output to Card Photo Printer CP-100 /
CP-10 and Bubble Jet Printer with the direct print function
Display languages
English / Deutsch / Français / Nederlands / Dansk / Suomi / Italiano /
Norsk / Svenska / Español / Chinese / Japanese
My Camera Settings
The Start-up image, Start-up Sound, Shutter Sound, Operation Sound and
Selftimer Sound can be customized using the following methods.
1. Using the images and sounds recorded on the camera.
2. Using downloaded data from your computer using the supplied software.
Interface Universal Serial Bus (mini-B, PTP [Picture Transfer Protocol])