
PowerShol A200
F>i>werShol A100
still Images
Large : 1600 x 1200 pixels
Medium : 1024 x 768 pixels
Small 640 x 460 p^ls
Large : 1280 x 960 pixels
Medium : 1024 x 768 pixels
Small 640 x 480 F^xels
Pixels -, ,
320 X 240 pixels (Approx. 9 sec.)
160 X 120 pixels (Approx. 26 sec.)
Approx. 20 frames / sec.
The data in parentheses refer to the
maximum movie lerrgth per shooting
320 X 240 pixels (Approx. 14 sec.)
160 X 120 pixels (Approx. 30 sec.)
Approx. 15 frames / sec.
The data in parentheses refer to the
maximum movie length per shooting
Replay Modes
Single image replay / index replay (9 thumbnails) / zoomed view (LCD monitor zooms Images up to
maximum of approx. 10) / auto play / printing with Card Photo Printer CP-100 or CP-10 (Direct Print function)
English / Deutsch / Français / Nederlands / Dansk /Suomi / Italiano /
Norsk / Svenska / Español / Chinese or Japanese (depending on the region)
Universal Serial Bus (USB) (minl-B)
Power Source
Two AA-size alkaline batteries (included), Two AA rechargeable NiMH batteries (optional),
Compact Power Adapter CA-PS800 (optional)
Operating Temperatures
0-40°C (32-104°F)
Operating Humidity
Dimensions (w x h x d) 110 X 58 x 36.6 mm (4.3 x 2.3 x 1.4 in.) (excluding protrusions)
Weight Approx. 175 g (6.2 oz.) (excluding batteries and CF Card)
* This digital camera supports Exit 2.2 (also called “Exit Prinf). Exit Print is a standard for enhancing the communica
tion between digital cameras and printers. By connecting to an Exit Print-compliant printer, the camera’s image data
at the time of shooting is used and optimized, yielding extremely high quality prints.