Dept Libr MASTER - Duke University

call number
Donor Location
Langlotz, E., and
LʼArte della Magna Grecia
Rome 1968
NK 4650
Italy, Southern.
Camporeale, G.
La Tomba del Duce
Florence 1967
NA 303
Pallottino, M.
Etruscan Painting
Geneva 1952
NA 303
Painting, Etruscan.
Gigli, S.
Mainz 1976
NA 303
Excavations (Archaeology)--Italy--Blera.
Fiumi, E.
Volterra etrusca e romana
Pisa 1976
NA 303
Camporeale, G.
I commerci di Vetulonia
Florence 1969
NA 303
Vetulonia (Italy)--Antiquities.
Roncalli, F.
Il “Marte” di Todi (Memorie Acc. Rom. Arch. 11.2)
Vatican 1973
NA 303
Marte di Todi (Statue)
Poulsen, V.
Etruscan Art
Molmo 1962
Art, Etruscan.
Aurigemma, S.
La Necropoli di Spina, II
Rome 1965
NA 326
Amorelli, M.
Todi preromana
Perugia 1977
NA 303
Todi (Italy). Museo e pinacoteca civica--Catalogs.
Herbig, R
Die jünger-etruskischen Stein-sarkophage
Berlin 1952
NA 303
Hostetter, E.
Bronzes from Spina
Mainz 1986
NA 326
Vessberg, O.
Studien zur Kunstgeschichte der römischen Republik
Lund 1941
N 5760
Kuniholm, P.
A Guide to the Classical Collections of Cornell University
Cornell 2003
N 5760
Seipel, W.
gyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung: Das Kunsthistorische
Antike Welt 25, 1994
N 5350
Johansen, F.
Reliefs en bronze dʼEtrurie
Copenhagen 1971
NA 303
Pallottino, M.
Art of the Etruscans
London 1955
N 5760
Art, Etruscan
Falchetti, F.
Florence 2000
NA 303
Aleardi, A., et al.
Fiesole alle origini della cittå
Fiesole 1990
NA 310
Comella, A.
I materiali votivi di Falerii
Rome 1986
NA 303
Antiquarium (Civita Castellana, Italy)--Catalogs.
Richardson, E.
The Etruscan Origins of Early Roman Sculpture
MAAR 21 (1953)
NA 5750
Linington, R., and
Lo scavo nel fondo scataglini a Tarquinia, 2 volumes
Milan 1997
NA 303
Excavations (Archaeology)--Italy--Tarquinia.
Battaglia, G., et al.
Le ciste prenestine
Florence 1979-
NK 4710
Cists (Boxes)--Italy--Palestrina--Catalogs.
Swaddling, J.
Italian Iron Age Artefacts
London 1986
N 5760
Colonna, G.
Bronzi votivi umbro-sabellici a figura umana, I
Florence 1970
NB 111
Bronzes, Ancient.
Dohrn, T.
Die etruskische Kunst im Zeitalter der griechischen Klassik
Mainz 1982
N 5760
Sculpture, Etruscan.
Freytag, B. von
Das Giebelrelief von Telamon
Mainz 1986
NA 303
Museo archeologico di Firenze.
Beazley, J.
Etruscan Vase-Painting
London 1947
NK 4705
Vase-painting, Etruscan.
Warman, M., et al.
From Pericles to Cleophon, A Source Book
London 1954
PA 401
Greek language--Readers.
Ramage, N. & A.
Roman Art, 2nd ed.
Englewood Cliffs
N 5760
Art, Roman.
Nagle, D.
The Ancient World, 4th ed.
Upper Saddle River
D 59
Civilization, Ancient.
Boardman, J., et al.
The Oxford History of the Roman World
Oxford 1991
DG 77
Rome--History--To 510 B.C.
Ferguson, J.
The Heritage of Hellenism: the Greek World from 323 to 31 BC
London 1973
DF 77
Greece--Civilization--To 146 B.C.
Andrewes, A.
The Greeks
New York 1967
DF 77
Greece--Civilization--To 146 B.C.
Campaigns of Alexander, tr. de Selincourt
London 1971
PA 3935
Hofmann, M., and J.
After Ovid: New Metamorphoses
New York 1994
PA 6537
History of Alexander, tr. Heckel
Harmondsworth 1984
PA 6360
Goode, G.
The Appropriate Name in Petronius
diss. U. Illinois 1938
PA 6558
Petronius Arbiter--Language.
Nicholas, B.
An Introduction to Roman Law
K 180
Roman law.
Freeman, C.
The Greek Achievement
New York 1999
DF 77
Civilization, Modern--Greek influences.
Bennett, J.
Trajan, Optimus Princeps, 2nd ed.
Bloomington 2001
DG 294
Trajan, Emperor of Rome, 53-117.
The ante-Nicene Christian Pasch De ratione paschale...of
Portland 2003
PA 6203