Dept Libr MASTER - Duke University

call number
Donor Location
Ducate, P.
Pontische Vasen
Rome 1968
NK 4649
Vases, Etruscan
Paschinger, E.
Die etruskische Todesgötten Vanth (2 vols.)
Vienna 1992
BL 800
Herbig, R.
Götter und Dämonen der Etrusker
Mainz 1965
BL 800
Art, Etruscan.
Krauskopf, I.
Todesdämonen und Totengötter im vorhellenistischen Etrurien
Florence 1987
BL 800
Lambrechts, R.
Les inscriptions aved le mot “tular” et le bornage étrusques
Florence 1970
PA 1600
Bachofen, J. J.
Myth, Religion, & Mother Right
Princeton 1967
BL 325
Serra Ridgway, F.
I corredi del fondo scataglini a Tarquinia (2 vols.)
Milan 19962
NA 303
Riccioni, G., and M.
La tomba della Panatenaica di Vulci
Rome 1968
NA 303
Ward-Perkins, J.
Veii: the Historical Topography of the Ancient City (PBSR 29)
London 1961
NA 303
Veii (Extinct city)
Cristofani, M.
La grande Roma dei Tarquini
Rome 1990
DG 209
City walls--Italy, Central.
Bularelli, F., et al.
Tolfa etrusca e la necropoli di pian conserva
Rome 1977
NA 303
Banti, L.
Il mondo degli Etruschi
Rome 1960
DG 223
Art, Etruscan.
Hayes, S.
Etruscan Bronzes
London 1983
NA 303
Bronzes, Etruscan--Themes, motives
Lambrechts, R.
Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum, Cittå del Vaticano, I
Rome 1981
NA 303
Mirrors, Etruscan--Catalogs.
Nylander, C.
Architettura etrusca nel Viterbese
Rome 1986
NA 303
Campbell, J.
The Hero with a Thousand Faces, 2nd ed.
Princeton 1968
BL 325
Campbell, J.
The Mythic Image
Princeton 1974
BL 325
Pallottino, M., et al.
Il Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia
Rome 1980
N 5760
Museo nazionale di Villa Giulia--Guidebooks.
Blank, H., and G.
La Tomba dei Rilievi di Cerveteri
Rome 1986
NA 303
Camporeale, G.
Buccheri a cilindretto di fabbrica orvietana
Florence 1972
NA 303
Vases, Etruscan--Italy--Orvieto
Andronicos, M., et al.
The Greek Museums
Athens 1975
N 5630
Art museums--Greece.
Dareggi, G.
Urne del territorio perugino
NA 303
Urns, Etruscan--Italy--Perugia.
Pasquinucci, M.
Le kelebai volterrane
Florence 1968
NA 303
Jucker, H.
Vorrömische Kunst in Sardinien, Mittel- und Norditalien (from
N 5760
Haynes, S.
Etruscan Sculpture
London 1971
NA 303
Sculpture, Etruscan.
Mostesen, M., and
Cataloge of the Copies of Etruscan Tomb Paintings in the Ny
Copenhagen 1991
NA 301
Ny Carlsberg glyptotek--Catalogs.
Strom, I.
Problems concerning the Origina dn Early Development of the
Odense 1971
NA 303
Art objects, Etruscan--Oriental influences.
Robinson, E.
Ancient Greek Democracy
Blackwell 2004
DF 77
Nicholas, N., and G.
An Entertaining Tale of Quadrupeds
New York 2003
DG 319
Petrie, W. M. Flinders
Seventy Years in Archaeology: a Father of Egyptology
(London 2003,
D 24
Anderson, Q., and J.
The Proper Study: Essays on the Western Classics
New York 1962
DE 5
Literature--History and criticism
Caldwell, C.
The Origin of the Gods: A Psychoanalytic Study of Greek
New York 1989
BL 320
Gods, Greek--Psychology
Reinach, A.
Recueil Milliet: Textes grecs et latins relatifs à lʼhistoire de la
Paris 1921
NA 5336
Milliet, Paul, 1844-1918.
Borda, .
La pittura romana
Milan 1958
NA 310
Painting, Roman--History
Kraiker, W.
Die Malerei der Griechen
Stuttgart 1958
NK 4645
Painting, Greek
Moretti, M.
Tomba Martini Marescotti
Milan 1966
NA 303
De Marinis, R.
Gli Etruschi a nord el Po, 2nd ed., 2 vols.
Udine 1988
DG 223
Etruscans--Italy, Northern--Exhibitions.
Krencker, D., and M.
Der Tempel in Ankara
Berlin 1936
DS 156
Ankara, Turkey. Temple of Rome and Augustus.
Strocka, V.
Das Markttor von Milet
Berlin 1981
NA 9202
Potter, T.
A Faliscan Town in South Etruria
London 1976
DG 223
Excavations (Archaeology)--Italy--Narce
Downey, S.
Architectural Terracottas from the Regia
Ann Arbor 1995
NA 310
Regia (Rome, Italy)
De Grummond, N.
A Guide to Etruscan Mirrors
Tallahassee 1982
NA 303
Mirrors, Etruscan.